Certain areas of the world provide spectacular dives at depths deeper than 39 metres/130 feet but you may not have access (or very limited access) to helium. The TDI Extended Range course teaches you the proper techniques for utilizing compressed air as a breathing gas, and with a maximum depth of 55 metres/180 feet, so you don’t have to miss those dives! The TDI Extended Range Diver Course provides the training and experience necessary including proper techniques, equipment requirements, and hazards of deep air diving, to competently utilize air for dives up to 55 metres/180 feet that require staged decompression, using nitrox mixtures or oxygen during decompression.DIVE COURSE HIGHLIGHTS
The TDI Extended Range Diver course teaches you the proper techniques for utilizing compressed air as a breathing gas and with a maximum depth of 55m/180 feet. Certain areas of the world provide spectacular dives at depths deeper than 39m/130 feet but you will not have access (or very limited access) to helium.
The Extended Range course will cover topics and skills such as
Equipment requirements and configuration
– Decompression options
– Use of surface marker buoys
– Buddy rescue
– Narcosis checks and management
Who this course is for:
The certified TDI Advanced Nitrox/Decompression Procedures diver looking for the next step in technical dive training. Whether you’re looking to expand upon your skills, experience, or just go a little deeper to see an area of interest, this course is for you!
Materials for this course include the TDI Extended Range Diving Manual and the US Navy or Buhlmann Air Decompression Tables (made of vinyl for easy in-water use and storage)
Extended range diver will give you the opportunity to dive wrecks normally outside the range of sports diving. Check out our Advanced wreck course and see what you can achieve.
What’s in it for you?
Upon successful completion of this course, graduates may engage in diving activities without direct supervision so long as the following limits are adhered to
- The diving activities approximate those of training
- The areas of activities approximate those of training
- Environmental conditions approximate those of training
- Upon successful completion of this course, graduates are qualified to enroll in the TDI Advanced Wreck ,TDI Trimix, and TDI Advanced Trimix courses
What you can expect to learn?
The TDI Extended Range Diver Course takes an in-depth look at all of the following and more:
- History of deep air diving
- Physics
- Pressure review
- Formulas for solving dive planning problems, maximum operating depth (MOD), best mix, and more
- Physiology
- Hypoxia
- Oxygen toxicity
- Nitrogen narcosis
- Nitrogen absorption and elimination
- Carbon dioxide toxicity
- Carbon monoxide
- Hyperthermia
- Hypothermia
- Decompression Options
- Air
- Nitrox
- Oxygen
- Equipment considerations
- Dive tables
- Dive planning
- Operation planning
- Team planning
- Emergency planning
- Diving procedures
- Descent considerations
- Ascent considerations
- Technical dive support
- Navigation
Some of the required skills you will have to demonstrate include:
- Use START before every dive
- Stress analysis and mitigation
- Gas matching procedures
- Demonstrate buoyancy control; ability to hover at fixed position in water column without moving hands or feet
- Show good awareness of buddy and other team members through communications, proximity and team oriented dive practices
- Demonstrate competence managing 2 stage cylinders, either 2 deco gas or 1 deco and extra bottom gas, including drop and recovery while maintaining position in the water column
- Demonstrate ability to confirm gas switches at depth with buddy/team members
- Demonstrate lift bag deployment from depth and use of bag as back-up buoyancy device
- Demonstrate air-sharing ascent from depth while one member of buddy team is without mask, both as a donor and recipient
- Create contingency decompression schedule after simulated loss of decompression gas
- Remove and replace mask, deploy back up mask
- Demonstrate tired diver tow at depth and on surface; 30 metres/100 feet lateral
- Complete a horizontal breath-hold swim at depth for 15 metres/50 feet with mask off or blacked out
- Properly execute the planned dive within all pre-determined limits
- Demonstrate the proper procedures for switching and isolating a malfunctioning regulator, this skill is to be performed at a depth no deeper than 40 metres/130 feet
- Demonstrate the proper navigational techniques for the specific dive
- During 2 dives, demonstrate an ascent with ascent reel and lift bag and perform staged decompression
- During one of the dives, tow a simulated unconscious diver, while at depth, 9 metres/30 feet to ascent line and simulate an emergency rescue ascent technique
Course prerequisites:
(these requirements must be met prior to commencement of training):
- Minimum age 18
- Certified as a TDI Advanced Nitrox Diver and TDI Decompression Procedures Diver, or equivalent
- Proof of a minimum of 100 logged dives, of which 25 must be deeper than 30 metres/100 feet
TDI Extended Range Diver minimum requirements:
- Satisfactorily complete the TDI Extended Range Course written examination with a passing score of 80%, followed by 100% remediation by the instructor
- Complete all open water requirements efficiently
- Demonstrate mature and sound judgment concerning dive planning and execution
Students will need to contact us to discuss what equipment will be required on the course

Extended Range takes your air diving to it’s limit as a decompression course. This is a pre-requisite course on your way to Trimix.